A notebook as mobile device may should behave differently depending on the location. Examples:
- at home:
- sound output should be turned on
- a backup script can run from time to time
- in a foreign network / without connection:
- speakers should be muted
- a vpn connection should be established in public networks
- at work:
- speakers should be muted
- time tracking software should be active
Evaluating the ssid (name) of the currently connected Wi-Fi on connection change is a cheap solution. This can be done by using a hook of the network manager.
- Create file
(replace 3xyourname
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# only listen to connect/disconnect events
[[ "$event" == "connectivity-change" ]] || exit 0
# check user is logged in
who | awk '{print $1}' | grep -q '^yourname$' || exit 0
sudo -u yourname /home/yourname/.wifi-profile >> /var/log/wifi-profiles 2>&1
and run
$ sudo chown root:root /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/90-wifi-profiles
$ sudo chmod o+x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/90-wifi-profiles
- Create
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# user specific env vars need to be set manually!
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
export DISPLAY=:0
function soundOff() {
amixer -D pulse sset Master mute
function soundOn() {
amixer -D pulse sset Master 40%
amixer -D pulse sset Master unmute
function askConnectVpn() {
zenity --question --title "Foreign Wifi" --text "Connect to home VPN?" && nmcli con up id yourvpn
SSID="$(iwgetid -r)"
if [[ "$SSID" = 'home_network1' || "$SSID" = 'home_network2' ]]; then # at home
soundOn # use carefully, might not be wanted
# run backup
elif [[ "$SSID" = 'work_network1' || "$SSID" = 'work_network2' ]]; then # at work
elif [[ "$SSID" = '' ]]; then # not connected
else # foreign network
and run
$ chmod o+x ~/.wifi-profile
- Test
$ sudo /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/90-wifi-profiles wlan0 connectivity-change
$ cat /var/log/wifi-profiles